Whenever we intend to buy something online, different questions come across our mind, such as affordability, durability of the product, timely delivery, safety and security of online transactions, privacy, personal information, etc. Until and unless all our doubts are not satisfactorily addressed or cleared, we usually hesitative to move forward to buy something online. Therefore, for the convenience of our customers, and to demonstrate full trust and reliability in our online shopping procedures, we have compiled a list of possible questions that keep emerging in the mind of our consumers.
Q1 How will the order be delivered?
A1 To provide the utmost professional services and timely delivery of all our products, we employ the services of the United States Postal service (USPS), a trusted name on which you can easily bank upon.
Q2 How are the orders packaged?
A2 We take great care in packing all the customer orders. To make sure all the orders are processed properly, we usually conceal the consignments in factory-sealed packets with strict hygiene standards.
Q3 Can the delivery address be changed after the order has been placed?
A3 Yes. If the order has not been processed or dispatched yet, you can change/alter your shipping address and we will ship your parcel to your new address.
Q4 Can I cancel the order after the payment has been made?
A4 No. You will not be able to cancel your order once the payment has been made and received in our account.
Q5 How can I cancel my order?
A5 If you want to cancel your respective order, just send a mail request to us. Alternatively, you can also inform us about order cancellation with all your details by telephone. However, if the order has already been delivered or charged, we cannot cancel it.
Q6 How to know the current status of the order?
A6 You can check the current status of the order by logging into your account with the correct username and password details.
Q7 How do I get to know if the order has been dispatched?
A7 You will receive email confirmation of the order along with tracking information. Just visit our user-friendly website, login to your account, and keep a close track of your order.
Q8 Can I opt for cash on delivery (COD) payment method?
A8 No. As we don’t offer cash on delivery payment alternatives, you cannot choose cash on delivery payment mode. However, we do process credit card/debit card payment, internet banking, and PayPal as well.
Q9 Are your online monetary transactions safe and secure?
A9 Yes. We always ensure that all our online monetary transactions are completely safe and secure without any loopholes. As we lay great emphasis on security, all our online transactions are safe and customer personal information not compromised at all.
Q10 What about privacy and confidentiality?
A10 Whatever customer information we receive, such as name, age, date of birth, credit/debit card details, or social security number is not shared with anyone for commercial purposes. We don’t give or share this information with 3rd parties.